Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Day of A Thousand Little Gems

Some days, it is a challenge and a struggle to stay faithful to the work to which God has called us.  Other days, I am deeply affirmed in our work and see clearly why we do what we do.  Today was that day for me.  

First off, I got to sleep in....sort of.  The alarm still went off at 7:00 this morning, I still took the dogs for a walk before 8am, but after their breakfast, I went back to bed until 10:30.  I was that tired.  RAGBRAI, Monday's church-and-neighborhood clean-up, and reorganizing my part-time office after the mayhem that was county fair just plain wore me out.  (It was rather decadent, I'll admit, and some of you may be surprised at my ability to go back to sleep after waking up and walking two rather rowdy dogs.  But I take my sleep very seriously, let me tell you.  Nothing keeps me from it.)

Once I finally made it into the office, there were lots of little gems to get me through the day.  There was a message on the machine asking me to call an individual.  It turns out that this woman had read a letter to the editor I had written some time ago about spiritual abuse and had been very impressed.  So impressed, in fact, that she retyped the article.  She recently had occasion to use it in her human services job in a very healing way for a group she led, and wanted to share the experience with me.  How delightful is that?  (And, since I've lost all my files due to the Blue Screen of Death last month, she said she would email or bring me another copy of what I had written.)  I am hopeful to see her at church in the next couple of weeks.

Then, I got to make a reference for a church considering The Intern.  I love talking about The Intern - she's terrific!  It was a joy to share my impressions of The Intern with a church that seems ready for her and able to love her into the ministry.  Not that she doesn't already love the ministry - but as most of you know, the first call is a defining part of one's ministry, and I want The Intern to have a great experience.  This may be a good match for both.  I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed.

Then, I went to the Y and discovered that Tasha would be teaching our Jazzercise class.  She is a fellow student who recently went to the workshop for new instructors.  She was GREAT!  Very enthusiastic, utterly unfazed when she was not 100% perfect on the routines (no instructor is perfect), and totally in command of the class.  She is already a terrific instructor - I can't wait for her "official" classes to start!!!  Plus, I was nice and rested so I was ready for a good class.

The penultimate event was the community theatre board - my first meeting!  There were only three of us, but we got quite a bit accomplished.  And, our board chair M, of whom I've always been extremely fond, and I had a long and lovely visit following the meeting.  He is a fantastic teacher in our district, a fine play director, and very, very cool.  We are members of a mutual admiration society (he thinks I'm cool!  I know he's cool!), and now we have an excuse to hang out some more.

And, I went to the store to buy some crazy chocolate desserts for Backbencher and myself.  Have I mentioned lately what a perfectly charming (and very manly) husband Backbencher is?  He makes me so, so happy.  Finally, I finished another hat, and am ready for the rest of the week.  

Stop by and tell me how your day is going.


HolyKnitter said...

Today *MY* intern (the computer-geek variety, not the theology-geek variety) brought me a bag of lettuce that he'd grown in his garden. Also, when I secretly checked in on him (I can see his computer screen from my office doorway), he was actually working. On stuff I'd told him to work on. Best. Intern. Ever.

HolyKnitter said...

Also, hooray for hats.

Living in Iowa said...

Sounds like a thoroughly, all-around, wonderful day!

LiturgyGeek said...

LII, It surely was. And HK, you do have a delightful intern. I am posting hat photos tomorrow, along with my finished, felted purse!!!!